The Hole
After a choreography by Ohad Naharin, Batsheva company (Space and Stage Design: Zohar Shoef), Inkjet print, 2014, 187X230 cm
The Hole is a photographic documentation of the accumulation of salts, humidity and wetness throughout one season of Batsheva Dance Company dance show The Hole performed by the company dancers and choreographed by Ohad Naharin.
On a gray wall that stood behind the audience, an imprint of the dancers' bodies was created on it throughout the season. The dancers leaned on the wall, rubbed theirs bodies dancing with it and excreted their bodily fluids on it.
The photo was taken in 2014 right after the last show of the season, just before the wall went down to the storage with other elements of the set.
The Hole was shown at the group show עתAt in Hanina gallery in 2019, when like the body of the company dancers, the work also leans and was supported by the gallery wall.