Wall No. 2 (Times of Implosion)
Group exhibition
Curator: Irit Carmon Popper
Shown in the Yona Fischer homage exhibition Reading Materials.
Kupferman Collection, Lohamei Hagetaot
Wall No. 2 (Times of Implosion) is a site specific sculpture which refers directly to a 4th century AD Byzantine burial cave located a few minutes walk from the Kupferman Gallery, but closed to the public due to conservation considerations.
In the public performance Each Body to its Own Matter I opened the sculpture to the public allowing each person to explore theirbody's relationship with the statue freely. I developed the potential that was discovered through this performative event more widely, in the exhibition Rehearsal Space.
Times of Implosion (the 2020 version)
site specific intervantion at the loked box office of Gesher Theater
Hit the Switch 3 public event
Curatore: Meital Manor
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, all cultural institutions in Israel were shut down without government support, creating a crisis for Israel’s cultural sphere. The work imports images from a public performance titled "each body to its own matter," alongside the original sculpture (2018). The display of the images on the locked box offices signifies a desire to penetrate through the cultural barrier created in Israel.
The work was part of an event led by the Tel Aviv municipality.